• Our Program

     A comprehensive education program that focuses on developing various skills in primary school children, including Abacus & Mental Arithmetic, Rubik's Cube, Coding, Logical Reasoning, and Problem-solving skills.  

  • We offer...

    mathello Abacus & Mental Arithmetic
    Vega Math (Vedic Mathemathics)
    Rubik's Cube
    Universal Art
    Logical Reasoning & Problem Solving-skills

  • Abacus mathello
  • Vega math
  • Rubik's cube
  • Coding
  • Universal art

Courses for you to choose from

Each course is targeted specific to your child's needs.

  • Abacus & Mental Arithmetic

    Mental arithmetic is the process of performing calculations in one's mind, without the aid of external tools such as calculators or abacuses. It is a skill that requires practice and can be developed through various techniques such as visualization, chunking, and memorization of basic arithmetic facts.

  • Rubik's cube

    Solving the Rubik's Cube requires spatial reasoning skills, pattern recognition, and problem-solving abilities. The puzzle has also been used as a tool for teaching various concepts in mathematics and computer science, such as group theory and algorithms. 

  • Vega-Math

    Unicorn Platform is a powerful website builder for startups, solo-entrepreneurs and hackers.
  • Math puzzle

    Unicorn Platform is a powerful website builder for startups, solo-entrepreneurs and hackers.
  • Certification & Accrediation

    Unicorn Platform is a powerful website builder for startups, solo-entrepreneurs and hackers.